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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Interactive Services Detection Service

Why my computer always pop up"interactive services dialog detection" in windos 7 RC?Anyone can help me?how to solve.

The tip on how to disable it.

To disable Interactive Services Dialog Detection messages in windos 7 RC, search the word “services.msc” in your Start menu.when it comes up,click on Services.
And find Interactive Services Detection in the list of services. Right click it, and click Properties. Here, you can either Stop the service, or choose “Disabled” from the Startup Type menu.Click “OK”. Either of these things will stop these messages from appearing.
Note reboot your computer later.


  1. hm.. I did this... Nothing happend so it works :DDD THanks

  2. Thank you very much! So far so good.

  3. Thanks very much, that thing was nagging me! It worked.

  4. I'm getting that same error from Interactive services dialog... when I click on it it says internet explorerer cannot connect....something from IE8 and thanking me for downloading google toolbar.

    Is this similar to what you had? I'm afraid if I just disable the notification it won't solve the problem. Like unscrewing the engine light in your car?

    Is you computer working fine with it off?

  5. Disabling Interactive Services is a bad idea, indeed very much like unscrewing the check engine light bulb. The notice is popping up because a service that would normally display to the screen in earlier Windows versions can't because of Windows 7. BTW, the same problem occurs in Server 2008 R2. You need to see use 'View Message' to see what the app is saying. Contact the vendor to see if they have an update to address the issue. But, don't disable it!

  6. FYI: disabling this service will not stop the querying service executable from prompting you on Desktop 0. All that this achieves is to "not show the question" ... there is still a window awaiting input on Desktop 0, but now you do not even know about it any longer.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Many Thanks, you nice person!


  9. It WOrked dude..
    Disabling ISD service is not a problem because very less no of applications request this service.
    Just diable the service. It works fine.

  10. What I did was to disable it. and it never occured yet so that might help.

  11. Disabling it is a waste of time. I have random websites popping up there and playing music and all sorts of things. I'll hear the music and theres my ISD" blinking. Disabled the service but still heard the music the next day becvause the problem just went i nto non-interactive mode and fixed nothing.There are not important apps trying to run - websites with anime and all sorts of videos and such. videos.brosive.com being the worst offender. No malware or virusware has helped me in one bit. it happens every day and can not be stopped by any answer I have ever seen. Please help a power user hold his head up again!

